Monday, November 18, 2013

Well, it is a "Dark Paradise"

It was a long shot, but I knew I had to go for it. With no specific aim as to further honing my narrative storytelling and visual language I had spent every ounce of effort and acquired skills in crafting this piece. I guess I can call it a symptom of post senior project completion syndrome. I will have to take some time and gather my thoughts and notes about this projects, with the intention of explaining my process as well as ambitious exploration. Very special thanks to all friends and working professionals who have taken their time in watching my piece as well as granting me their two cents.


  1. Hey Thomas it's Raquel from Ed's class and CTN! Thanks for the CD it worked perfectly on the dvd player! I saw the preview on the disc for this and I had to hunt this down, seeing parts of it at the expo already had signs of a really cool thing and now I finished watching it and...just...this. This is amazing I can't even! THE DETAIL you put into each frame in this animation, every single frame could stand alone and be this really awesome painting and scene! THE STORY TELLING. SO GOOD. So yet again you've succeeded in mauling my feelings but that's a good thing! It's a sign of good story telling. Hokay. I just. THE END. DID THEY DIE. MY. FEELS. I just need to understand--the ending--Did she actually die with him or was she dreaming the whole time and woke up or...or...what happened there I must know!

  2. Hi Raquel,

    So sorry it's taken me a long time to respond to your comment. But I really really appreciate your insights. So to begin the genre I was dabbling in revolves around Grimm's Fairytales. I was also enthralled by the lyrics and theatricality of "Dark Paradise" by Lana Del Rey. I was really compelled to do something on my own. So this and that equal to what you have just watched.

    Their method of dark storytelling was a good reference for me to create the story, but the characters are all stand alone. I'm currently thinking of their backstory and how they wound up the way they were. There's a lot of magic involved as you can see with the spiritual realm. Somehow the necklace is tied to all of this as it grants the user foresight into their fate. So in a way they do die, but comeback to the location where the necklace was originally found. The man is the who gave the necklace to the woman as a token of their relationship, so presumably he has some background with the jewel. I've gotta get the details figured out.

    Otherwise, it was a fun endeavor for me to exercise and boost my skills. I still have lots to learn about lighting and color. But I'm very glad you enjoyed it! I'm setting the world of Dark Paradise aside to get back to an old project. I can't wait to show you what I'm building up next.
