Thursday, May 3, 2012

What if? *Another Random Thought

"What if?" The question I ask almost every time in regards to the existence and the creation of our ingenious kind. One such idea I grativitate towards from time to time is our lineage tied to light. Practically anything and everything that yields a heartbeat must have some essence given from the sun in our sky. However, we are divided amongst all living forms by our levels of cognitive thinking and emotional depth. We have the power to harness the most advanced technology and turn the tides of nature to wherever we please.

However, it is important to note that although we are blessed by such capability we are still connected to this world and everything else around us. There are forces in existence that we cannot comprehend nor seek to level with. It's arguable that we are nothing more than the result of biological reactions between molecular compounds, which in turn constantly synthesize energy. If we are nothing more than just that why is it that we feel? Why is it that we are engaged emotionally with others around us? It is certain that we are speckles within a sandbox, and our messages send a ripple across several tides. How far our message travels is merely determined by friction among other speckles of sand.

With that jumbled mess said, I'd only like to look back on these thoughts for later reference in so that I could form a narrative out of them. Along with ideas and philosophies I will likely come across the perfect analogy would be for me to throw fruits in a blender and see what substances pour out. Who are the characters and what is the (geographical, sociopolitical, cultural, ethnically, ideological) environment. More than ever, I'd like to stress how much thought I'd give into a design. After it is the why, not the how that matters.

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