Thursday, October 11, 2012

ATLOS Completed

Finally it is here, or not so much. In the coming days there are things to discuss amongst me and my peers about the release of my short film ATLOS Neon. I would like to open up about the project by first stating the synopsis as well as gracing some of the underlying themes. Through the past collection of brainstormed words I will try as best as I can to explain the piece.

First and foremost, ATLOS is the exploration of self in a time which society is ruled by a cold monotony. Although we are take through the perspective of the main character, Tho.TH3, much of the film acts as first person experience. This was done through the long traversal scenes from the time when you're initially brought into the ghost city. It's more direct however, with some of the first person shots I utilized in the film.

Tho.TH3 a machine, once thought everlasting has now ran near the end of his lifespan. He realizes that he must find a way to make meaning out of his mechanically routine life before his time runs out. But will he find a way to? More importantly what is the world that he lives in, and who exactly is Tho.TH3 as a character?

So is it a reality or some dream? Is it a commentary to the current situation or an escapist's paradise?

For the most part it's a fantasy world built within the conventions of modern industrial technology and urban architecture. The thing to always consider in the early phases of production are the questions what if? and why?

What leads to the events of ATLOS were the preceding wars and human cataclysms that nearly rendered the world uninhabitable. Of course this sort of theme is overly recurrent in major novels and films, however I committed to a personalized take on this theme. It was basically a mystery that eventually unravels itself the more time we spent living Tho.TH3's experiences. It becomes more deliberate during an important sequence in the film. My take however, upon this revelation was not to show how it affects Tho.TH3, for he already had known this, but to make it have an affect towards you. I would expect the reactions to vary, but this is what further emphasizes the first person experience of travel through the ATLOS both visually and within the perspectives of a character.

When the film is released, I plan on explaining more of the themes and symbolism. For now I've decided to leave it to this.

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